

After a lot of sketches, I decide to use the hexagon as the base shape for further approaches, because hexagon is also the outline of a cube in three dimension.

3D Mesh

It's a tough decision. They are all have some advantages to anothor. After 2 days for concideration, We picked up the one that has concepts of combination and storm motion-shape. It'll make people easily connect the icon to 3D industry and Galaxy.


Despite the material color is just orange, there are so many colors in the image affected by lights while 3D rendering. We first pick up two colors in every face, then summarize they into 5 main colors as below.

#ffaa5a Bright
#ff7a00 Main - Lighten
#fe6300 Main
#cd3200 Dark
#8b1700 Dark - Secondary
#444444 Flat Background


Like a softwares that we know, a software needs an icon img. The icon shows in lists, windows, desktop, tool bar and dock are all has different sizes.

We made png icon image from 16x16 to 1024x1024 and merge they into one .ico file for Windows, .icns for Mac.


#ffffff White Text
#ff7a00 Main - Lighten Main color hover
#fe6300 Main Primary Button, Link Text
#cd3200 Dark Warning Texts
#444444 Flat Background Block, Lines
#333333 Background Window


#333333 Text
#FE6300 Main Highlight Text, Block
#999999 Secondary Block
#ffffff Background Background

Font Family:Open Sans Regular